Recreate virtual server from backup image


Recreate the virtual server using the backup image.

When recreating the virtual server, delete the virtual server from which the backup image is specified.

Recreate the virtual server promptly after deleting the virtual server that created the backup image.

An error occurs if the following virtual server exists.

  • The virtual server from which the specified backup image was created
  • A virtual server re-created from the backup image created with the same virtual server
  • A virtual server that has the same IP address as the virtual server that created the specified backup image



Content-Type: application/xml

Accept: application/xml

X-Auth-Token: Token of Keystone (*1)

X-VA-Project-Id: ID of the project where the resource is created(*2)

X-VA-Domain-Id: ID of the domain where the resource is created(*2)

*1 When the system administrator uses the API, the scope specified for token is ignored.

*2 Required when system administrator uses API. It is ignored when specified by the user.








       <LServer name="virtualServerName" type="createMethod">
       <ServerImageLink name="imageName" disk="createdDiskName"/>

Item Discription Details
virtualServerName Name of virtual servber Specify the virtual server name to recreate. Specify a string of up to 64 characters, using alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.). It must start with a halfwidth alphanumeric character.
createMethod Method to create a virtual server Specify "restore"
imageName Name of backup image Specify the name of backup image.
createdDiskName Disk to create Specify tha disk to be created.
  • When re-creating all of disks of the virtual server (Default):

    Ommit this parameter, or specify "all"

  • When re-creating only the system disk of the virtual server:



Status code

202 Accepted


Task information